Professional development
The International Association of Facilitators (IAF) works to establish international standards, build credibility, and promote the value of facilitation worldwide. Central to these objectives is providing support for the professional development of IAF members.
Being a facilitator is a unique opportunity to help groups work together by creating effective processes that foster participation and achieve results. While there is no single, universal approach to facilitation, there are certain values, ethics, skills, and behaviours that support effective facilitated processes.
The Association has drawn on the significant experience and expertise of its members to discuss and distil the key attributes of credible and effective facilitation. The outcomes from these global discussions include the IAF’s Statement of Values & Code of Ethics and IAF Core Competencies framework.
Statement of Values & Code of Ethics
The IAF adopted its Statement of Values and Code of Ethics in June 2004, after extensive consultations and discussion within the IAF membership and the field of facilitation.
IAF Core Competencies
IAF Core Competencies represent a fundamental set of skills, knowledge, and behaviours that facilitators must have to be successful facilitating in a wide variety of environments.
The strength in these tools is that they are not derived from any one individual, organisation or company. They have been researched, discussed, debated, and improved through the collective wisdom of IAF members, some of whom are pioneers of process facilitation.
The Code of Ethics and IAF Core Competencies are the building blocks for:
- IAF endorsement and certification of facilitators
- IAF Endorsed™ Facilitation Training Programs.