Rijkswaterstaat is part of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and responsible for the design, construction, management and maintenance of the main infrastructure facilities (road- and waterway networks and main water systems).
Its purchasing department plays an important role in procuring products and services from (international) market parties. They deal with big and small commercial builders, engineering and consultancy agencies, knowledge institutes and representatives from civil organizations. Products and services range from office supplies to billion euro infrastructural projects like bridges, tunnels, roads and – for instance – innovation of the world famous Afsluitdijk.
Rijkswaterstaat, supported by LEF Future Center, developed a shared market vision through a series of large facilitated meetings called “Market Cafés”. Assuming market partners on equal terms, these Cafés were aimed at open communication, building trust and commitment, and achieving a shared Market Vision on purchasing for the years to come.
Key Results Achieved
•Positive experiences of our shared responsibility, in co-creating this Market Vision as equal partners
•Concrete answers on common questions regarding co-operation, and innovative challenges to explore (new) collaborative approaches
•Lower over-all costs through lower “transaction costs”: the (often hidden) expenses made in tenders, pre-contractual negotiations, making contracts and negotiations by all parties involved
•Better understanding of the impact of a new purchasing vision on the own RWS organization
Sponsor: Anke Zindler, Strategic Advisor & Consultant
Roger Mol, Purchasing and Contract Management
Facilitator: Marcel Collignon, Over de Brug and LEF
Jan Lelie, Willem van Wingerden, Karin van Doorn, Larissa Verbeek, Rick Lindeman CPF, Danielle Cuppens, Chabela Maturana Parraguez
Future Center