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Together 260 - "A Team of Collaborative Work"

Location: Ecuador
Project Owner: Ing. Mariuxi Villacrés, Gerente de Sostenibilidad, Novacero S.A.
Facilitators: Beccy Torres, Sandy Espinel, Tayron Marinez - D&E Consultancy


Ing. Mariuxi Villacrés, Gerente de Sostenibilidad, Novacero S.A.


Beccy Torres
D&E Consultancy


Sandy Espinel
D&E Consultancy


Tayron Marinez
D&E Consultancy

Together 260 - "A Team of Collaborative Work"


In the year 2015, Novacero decided to focus the efforts of its collaborators towards the fulfillment of their business goals, in order to do this they created and sponsored several activities under the concept TOGETHER 260, for the purpose of achieving synergy across the organization. That same year, as part of their organizational development processes they were interested in making a change in a yearly activity that had been developed with their team members from about 13 years ago; over the years the activity had lost force and impact. These activities were in charge of Human Resources and executed individually by each Plant Manager, from the point of view of a production activity and not as a corporate program.

Therefore, the Novacero team wanted to make a complete makeover of the activity without losing sight of it being a moment of interaction of all members, incorporating elements of the corporate level.

This was the challenge from the company: redesign and execute under the concept of an Integration Journey, the implementation of the concept TOGETHER 260 to the teamwork practices and redesign the regular plants walk-arounds into activities that generated commitment and engagement towards the company.

The Project TOGETHER 260 had the following goals:

Comprehensive process:

  • Redesign what for 13 years had been mostly rides for the staff into Integration Journeys combining corporate elements with facilitated and playful structure.
  • Generate commitment with the leaders in implementing the moto TOGETHER 260 in the transformation process of the walkarounds into “corporate integration journeys”.

Plant Journeys: Through a circuit of 4 activities, the teams were helped to identify the skills needed to handle the challenge “TOGETHER 260”:

  • Sensitize the collaborative work spirit and its leadership
  • Strengthen the links between team members
  • Promote the concept of synergy to achieve results together.

The process was about 70% facilitation through workshops using various tools: change management, open space, experiential learning, visual thinking, learning harvesting and team coaching.

All of the leaders of the organization participated in all the phases of the project: pre-journey, execution and post-journey. Through facilitated processes the leaders designed the content, the activities and the exercises which would be happening in all the plants with their personnel.


  • Establish a baseline and a new reference point for the Integration Journeys inside the company, transforming the following activities.
  • Agreement of action plans by the leaders after the journey after the feedback of the team members. These action plans where short and medium term in topics such as: leadership model, communication and teamwork initiatives.
  • Area leaders working hand in hand with their Managers living new leadership and teamwork practices in order to transform the way their organization works with positive results.
  • Motivated Plant Managers, generating internal communications to increase participation from employees, becoming promoters of the new concept of the Journey, partnering with Human Resources at the same level.
  • Active participation of the 880 employees in 3 production plants in 3 different cities in a highly interactive environment, uncovering their talents and sharing with each other.
  • Transfer of the ownership of the integration activities from a typical “human resources” focus into a corporate integrated view, with the plant managers and the middle management involved fully in the design of the experience.