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Meet the Candidates



November 2015
| Board Elections


The Secretary for the Board works to ensure high standards of documentation, reporting and accountability within the Board, and between it and the Association’s members. The person also supports Directors and the Board as a whole in fulfilling their legal and regulatory responsibilities. READ MORE >

There is one candidate for the position of Secretary.

Mara Svenne


"​I am excited to be part of such a wonderful organization, full of so many creative, professional and caring people. I would like to see facilitation more widely recognized for the value that it provides organizations.  As an internal facilitator in a corporate environment, I try to bring more awareness about process facilitation and what it can do to help spark innovation and collaboration. I enjoy hearing about stories in other sectors, public and non-profit, because it is all about people; regardless where they are from or what their situation. I have learned so much already from the facilitators that have trained me through courses and conference workshops, and through the CPF Certification Process, that I want to give back to this organization.

Since January, I have had the pleasure to work with the diverse talents of my fellow board members. I have supported board members by organizing meetings, documents, and recording minutes and action items, to support the numerous initiatives and operational needs this past year.  My fellow members of the executive team and I have developed a good working relationship and a rhythm that will serve the board in the coming year. I am eager to build on the foundations we have put in place in 2015, for the next two years.

I believe strongly in the wisdom of the group, and I believe I can continue to contribute to the discussion about the strategic direction of our great organization. I am confident that I can continue to serve as the organization’s secretary, and help the board fulfill its mission to its members. I hope you will see that my record of accomplishment and my passionate commitment to the profession make me an excellent candidate for Secretary."

Iaf Secretary 2015 Election