Europe & Middle East
- Azerbaijan
- Belgium
- Central & Eastern Europe
- Denmark
- England-Wales
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Iran
- Ireland
- Italy
- Jordan
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- Saudi Arabia
- Scotland
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Turkey
- Ukraine
About Your Region and Your Team

EME Upcoming Events
Registration links for the events can be found under the details of each sprecific event.
IAF Share & Learn
a series by the Europe and the Middle East Region
Join Helene Jewell in this session hosted by David Bishop to learn how her experiences of living in Nepal have influenced her role as a facilitator.

IAF EME Leadership Team 2024-25

A team works to coordinate activities in the EME region. Those who are chairing IAF’s facilitator communities (chapters), or someone they designate, are a full part of the regional team as they promote facilitation within their own city or country.
Within the EME regional team, the following members have made the additional commitment to take on a particular region wide responsibility.
- Tamara Zivadinovic: IAF EME Regional Director
- Rena Bilgin Koç: Social Media & Communication
- David Bishop: Communication & Event Design
- Hiltrud Kinnunen: Treasurer & Governance
- Tanya Van Rompuy: Governance
Goli Ahmadifard: Special Projects & Sharing and Learning
Andrew Spiteri: Sharing and Learning
Helene Jewell: Volunteering
Bogdan Grigore: Sharing and Learning
Paolo Martinez: Advisor
If you want to join the regional team and offer your contribution to promote the power of facilitation in the region and beyond, please contact anyone who has taken on a region wide responsibility simply by clicking on their name above.
PAST IAF Europe & Middle East (EME) Events:
IAF EME Conference 2023 - See details here.
IAF EME Facilitation Insights - See details here!
Balkan Facilitation Festival - See details here.
IAF EME Facilitation Talks - See details here.
Online Summer Facilitation Festival - See details here.
IAF EME Facilitation Lounge - See details here.