EME Conference 2023 in Berlin: Entering Brave Space(s) - Facilitating beyond beaten tracks
Berlin, Germany
Monday, 16 October 2023 - 2:00pm to Wednesday, 18 October 2023 - 2:00pm (Europe/Berlin)
2023-10-16 14:00:00
2023-10-18 14:00:00
EME Conference 2023 in Berlin: Entering Brave Space(s) - Facilitating beyond beaten tracks
Save the date:
Come to BERLIN in October 2023.
Berlin, GermanyChapter:
Save the date:
Come to BERLIN in October 2023.
Location: Beach Mitte, Caroline-Michaelis Str. 8, 10115 Berlin (in the center of Berlin-Mitte, close to the subway "Nordbahnhof").
Registration will be open from June on. And we are very happy to announce, that we co-organise a whole 6 days of conferences together with the WOSonOS (World Open Space on Open Space) at the same venue that will take place from 19th — 21st of October (registration is already open).
We are so happy to see you soon
Jutta, Barbara, Anton, Frederik, Monika, Albrecht and Jo (German Chapter).
You can reach us at info@jutta-weimar.de for more information (if you can't wait).