IAF Indonesia Meet-up

Brief Overview
IAF Indonesia Chapter was established in Jan 2018.
As of 15th October 2020, we have 225 wag members, 27 IAF Members and 646 IG Followers.
In 2020, we have conducted various program as below:
- 1 (one) IAF-ID Learning Session by Ucok Sahala
- 7 (seven) Collaboration Session: with various institutions to promote the power of facilitation to larger audience and fir bigger purpose. Our contribution for the Nation !.
- 13 (thirteen) IAF-ID Dia-Lo-Gue Session: where IAF members become the Main Facilitator / Guest Speakers and share their expertise at the same time allows other members and IAF Indonesia ENthusiast to take part as co-facilitators to build their facilitation skilld and also a place where participants can learn and experience a facilitated session.
IAF Indonesia will continue to promote the Power of Facilitation Worldwide !
Picture Gallery
- IAF Indonesia meet-up
- IAF Indonesia meet-up
2020 Activities
1. IAF Indonesia Meet Up
Regular Meet up session for IAF ID Enthusiast (open for public) to learn together in a facilitated session with interestiong topics
2 (two) River of Life session for IAF Members on 21st and 22nd Feb 2020
2 (two) IAF Indonesia Met Up on 15th and 21st March 2020
2. Learning Session
Half day / One day session for participants to explore and experience facilitated session with specific topic where they will learn about the topic and also about the facilitation rocess used in the session.
- First Learning session on 19th July 2020 : Effective Facilitattor Looks Like
3. IAF Dia-Lo-Gue
IAF Dia-Lo-Gue Session, open for public where people learn about facilitation using interestiong topics, tools and methods
Up to 13 session since the first time on April 2020 - August 2020
4. IAF Collaboration
IAF Collaboration Session with various Institutions to promote the poer of facilitation
Up to 7 session since April 2020 - October 2020
5. Comming Up
Session to celebrate Fac Week on 19th - 25th Oct 2020
Facilitation 101. Will be held in Q4-2020
Your Contacts in Indonesia
We are happy to assist you and answer your queries. To know more about our local initiatives and to become an IAF Member, write to me at:
- Chapter Lead: Meiliana Lany
You may also connect with us:
- Email:
- Facebook Page:
- Instagram:
- Linkedin: IAF Indonesia - Official
IAF Indonesia - Our Signature Event
IAF Indonesia - Our Special Event
IAF Chapter Indonesia : Dia-Lo-Gue
IAF-ID Dia-Lo-Gue Session, open for public where people can learn about facilitation using interesting topics, tools, methods.
This is also a place to learning by doing for IAF Members (as Main Facilitators) and IAF Enthusiast who take part as co-facilitators.
To see the Posters & Notes After Events, please visit our IG : IAF Indonesia
To watch the session, please visit out Youtube Channel : IAF Chapter Indonesia

IAF Chapter Indonesia : Collaboration
IAF-ID Collaboration Session with various Institution to Promote the Power of Facilitation, and also open for public.
IAF Members, IAF Enthusiast and parties from related Institution take part as co-facilitators.
To see the Posters, please visit our IG : IAF Indonesia
To watch the session, please visit out Youtube Channel : IAF Chapter Indonesia