- Azerbaijan
- Belgium
- Central & Eastern Europe
- Denmark
- England-Wales
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Iran
- Ireland
- Italy
- Jordan
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- Saudi Arabia
- Scotland
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Turkey
- Ukraine
We are a group of facilitators and people interested in developing a facilitative approach who gather together to share experiences and resources and access new training.
Sign up to our mailing list and to access our google drive to collaborate at
Join our events through meetup at
Our chapter was founded by Martin Pearson in 2011. Over time we have experimented with a variety of different forms and frequency of chapter meetings. The chapter's focus became International Facilitation Week and pushing the boundaries of facilitation, both face-to-face and online.
We have hosted events exploring:
- facilitating ‘fiery’ meetings
- facilitating constellations
- using stories in facilitation
- facilitating community
- the role of the body and somatic awareness when facilitating.
We now schedule events both online and face to face. We work closely with our sister chapters for England & Wales and Ireland to co-host the monthly UK & Ireland Coffee Meetup.
During these meetings, members are also encouraged to develop new contacts and a number of members meet informally with others who live and work near them.
If you are interested in finding out more about our activities and members please contact our Chair
Stephen Yorkstone on