The Global Flipchart is IAF's quarterly magazine about the power of facilitation – made by members, for members. Contact the editorial team by email:
Global Flipchart #12
June 2018
About this issue
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The IAF Global Flipchart is the International Association of Facilitators’ quarterly members publication with tips, tricks and resources for your individual facilitation practice and ideas to help you build your facilitation business and impact.
In this issue, we explore the Future of Facilitation. What’s the potential of technology in creating effective group processes? What skills do facilitators need as we prepare for the future? We also review different digital tools IAF facilitators and friends have added to their tool chest.
Héctor A. Villarreal Lozoya explores the importance of collaboration to address future challenges and concludes: facilitation is one of the key skills for the next century.
Van Lai-DuMone reviewed members of the IAF Hall of Fame and asked: What tools are you using and exploring to prepare for the future?
Nikki Tierney shares the story of a completely paper-free workshop center and what it means to go 100% digital.
Zena-Gabrielle Hailu explains how she is using metaphors from science fiction and artificial intelligence to deepen interpersonal connections in her facilitation.
Trevor Durnford invites IAF members to explore facilitation in augmented reality: join us and play!
Irene Maweu makes a case for online facilitation and the skills that facilitators need as they move into the future.
Charlotte Ditløv Jensen tells the story of facilitating a process for democratic change in Denmark and the approaches taken to get newbie facilitators up and running as fast as possible.
Rosanna von Sacken shares the highlights of the delightful IAFNAC 2018 Conference in Ottowa.
And finally, we have IAF association news: support the Facilitation Impacts Awards and read the financial report 2017 for the International Association of Facilitators.
Join in!
This Global Flipchart is only the start of a conversation. There are many stories waiting to be shared. Let's continue the conversation in the IAF social media forums.
Interested in contributing to the IAF Global Flipchart? The editorial team is looking for regular contributors – get in touch at
Upcoming issue
Our next topic is Working with Humans. How do different cultures influence our facilitation? What can we learn from neuroscience and psychology? How is facilitation applied in different sectors - from non-profits to manufacturing? We’d love to hear your stories, reflections and any suggestions on what you’d like to see in the next Global Flipchart. The deadline for contributions is 10 August 2018.
With best regards,
Wiebke Herding, Editor of the IAF Global Flipchart
and the entire Editorial Team of the IAF Global Flipchart