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Global Flipchart #16



September 2019

About this issue

The IAF Global Flipchart is the International Association of Facilitators’ quarterly members publication with tips, tricks and resources for your individual facilitation practice and ideas to help you build your facilitation business and impact.

Making it Accessible!

Facilitation’s role in diversity and inclusion

Accessibility. The world is leveling up and asking for access. How do facilitators answer that call? No, it isn’t just about creating a diverse perspective. Because what is diversity without inclusion? And what is inclusion without belonging? This issue dives into some examples of accessibility from around the world and it seems to be a hot topic judging by the amount of articles that came pouring in. Nice to see. Shall we start with a round of applause for this:

Mona Kananian is Awarded the prize of The Best Specialist & Facilitator of Local Economic Development of IRAN 2019.(EN) 
(Alternate link in Farsi) 





Or perhaps you were interested in some exciting news of our own at the IAF? In an attempt to make the IAF Conferences more accessible at a global level, we are thrilled to invite you to SAVE THE DATE for the first global facilitation summits in a long, long time. With a global committee and a hackathon behind the planning of the event, the ambition is to challenge everything we think we know about accessibility. Stay tuned… and see you in Stockholm!

This Global Flipchart focuses on:

  • Social inclusion and our role as practitioners by John Kingsley, one of the founders of the Social Inclusion Facilitators Special Interest Group
  • We need to talk about safety and harrassment by prior Global Flipchart Editor, Wiebke Herding
  • Accessibility is more than a wheelchair ramp! It is about access. Period. By Melissa A. Matthews in Trinidad
  • The world has changed, not just the climate: why dialogue and collaboration matter now more than ever by Paul Nunesdea
  • Basil Manning shares facilitation’s role in Diversity & Inclusion from South Africa
  • Is it even possible? How to build a high-performing team...quickly! By Hedvig Mossvall
  • From small steps to big change in Iran by Goli Ahmadifard
  • How does self-reflecting on our own bias lead to a more inclusive practice? The trio Rachel, Zena-Gabrielle and Anja share their thoughts with you
  • The best books to binge on this quarter and the best podcast to complement this curation of articles

A big shout-out to everyone who helped this flipchart get up and running!

We look forward to a massive amount of contributions for the #17’s issue entitled: Beyond the Post-it: Where is the innovation?Due November 15th.

Feedback is a gift! Send us gifts, we like them all.

Until next time,

Christina Hogan
Editor of the IAF Global Flipchart