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Who we are

The International Association of Facilitators (IAF) is a participatory organisation with members in more than 65 countries. As a professional association, we set internationally accepted industry standards, provide accreditation, support a community of practice, advocate and educate on the power of facilitation and embrace the diversity of facilitators.

Global Flipchart



May 2016
| Issue #3

Facilitators at work in Copenhagen

About this issue

The IAF Global Flipchart is International Association of Facilitators’ quarterly members publication with tips, tricks and resources for your individual facilitation practice and ideas to help you build your facilitation business and impact. 

In this issue, we explore Innovation in Facilitation. 

Innovation and trends

More and more companies are bringing facilitation in-house. The facilitators have their day jobs and roles, and are called upon to help facilitating different types of meetings or events. In some companies the facilitator team is considered as innovation catalysts, helping different teams inside the company to solve complex challenges.

Facilitation can be the key ingredient of success for any meeting. There is nothing new in this, we as facilitators have known it for a long time. The big conference world is waking up to the fact that unless they innovate the way how conferences get people to engage, learn and enjoy, they may not be fit for new generations of participants. A big call for facilitators there.

Facilitation is at the heart of a relatively new professions such as User Experience Designers (UX). Through workshops facilitation, UX consultants bring order from chaos and put people on the same page. 


We are grateful to Anja Ebers, Jen Lumsden and Grace Tan for their ideas and contributions to this issue. The next issue of the Global Flipchart will explore Facilitation Worldwide. Ideas and contributions are welcome! The deadline for contributions is 1 June 2016. 


With best regards, 


Julia Goga-Cooke, Editor, IAF Global Flipchart ( & 
Wiebke Herding, IAF Director of Communications (