The Global Flipchart is IAF's quarterly magazine about the power of facilitation – made by members, for members. Contact the editorial team by email:
Global Flipchart
July 2016 |
Issue #4
Where in the world are we?
The IAF is a global association that operates in seven regions. The Asian region has seen a boom in facilitation recently. Within each region, there may be one or more IAF chapters. There are 37 chapters to date. IAF's newest chapter is Iran. The following infographics show where we are worldwide: the numbers, the regions, the chapters.
Facilitation in Iran
By Goli Ahmadifard, IAF Iran Chapter
Cooperation and collaboration are essential for social life; how they are made manifest is influenced by the wide range of economic, social, cultural and environmental conditions in society. Facilitation is an important and effective tool for promoting cooperation and collaboration by providing the conditions for everyone to participate.
Traditionally, in Iranian local communities, there were those who played the role of facilitation in society. However, the formal practice of facilitation practices has developed in recent years in tribal, rural and urban communities, mostly used by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Community Based Organizations (CBOs) and International Organizations such as UN. Facilitators generally strive to promote the participation of local people in development processes within their communities. Their aim is to reduce, or where possible, solve economic, social-cultural and environmental problems through dialogue; involving people in decision making, problem solving, implementation of activities and programs, monitoring and evaluation; and nurturing a pleasant and enjoyable process.
Meanwhile facilitation has started to find its place in the Iranian business world. A few governmental and private organizations have benefited from using facilitation in their meetings. We expect facilitation to develop fast within the country, which will demand more growth and exchange of knowledge and experience among facilitators, and we have hopes that facilitation will be increasingly adopted and promoted in Iran.