Global Flipchart
June 2017 |
Issue #8

About this issue
The IAF Global Flipchart is the International Association of Facilitators’ quarterly members publication with tips, tricks and resources for your individual facilitation practice and ideas to help you build your facilitation business and impact.
In this issue, we explore the craft of facilitation.
We are continually honing our craft as a global community, and as individuals, learning from our own practice and each other.
In this issue, we cover a lot about the craft of facilitation, from defining facilitation to tackling common problems in international group facilitation, from looking inward and learning from ourselves, to looking outwards to learn from facilitators who’ve been perfecting their craft for decades.
Mirjami Sipponen-Damonte asks several well-known facilitators their definition of facilitation and encourages us to reflect on our own definition.
Anja Ebers interviews Dagmar Stübel and explores the idea that your inner work is the real craft of facilitation.
Gillian Martin Mehers gives us a pictorial tour of her materials and equipment list, which she makes before every session to make sure that she's well prepared.
Monique Walsh interviews veteran facilitator Brian Evoy to see what we can learn from his craft so that we can perfect our own craft of facilitation.
Hector Villarreal introduces OpenMind cards, offering a solution to those sticky situations in sessions where ideas are lost in translation.
Mara Svenne reviews David Rock’s book, Your Brain at Work, drawing parallels with the facilitation craft.
A big thanks also to all that contributed to this issue behind the scenes!
Join in!
This Global Flipchart is only the start of a conversation. There are so many stories waiting to be shared. Let's continue the conversation in our social media forums.
Upcoming issue
Our next topic is facilitation and friends: from agile and coaching to improv theater, we’ll explore a variety of disciplines and practices that use or build on facilitation.
We’d love to hear your stories, reflections and any suggestions on what you’d like to see in the next Global Flipchart. The deadline for contributions is 10 August 2017.
With best regards,
Wiebke Herding, IAF Director of Communications (
and the entire Editorial Team of the IAF Global Flipchart