IAF Asia Kuala Lumpur Conference 2019
September 2019
The International Association of Facilitators (IAF) promotes, supports and advances the art and practice of professional facilitation through methods exchange, professional growth, practical research, collegial networking and support services. One of the more important means to achieve these goals is through its Global and Regional Conferences.
The Scholarship Applications are opened again only for University Students in Malaysia. This is for deserving University Students to receive scholarships to attend the conference in September this year. The IAF Conference Scholarship covers the Conference Registration Fees only.
- Applicant uses facilitation in his / her milieu.
- Applicant requires economic assistance in order to attend the conference
- Applicant has to provide evidence of some form of voluntary involvement in community development or facilitation related projects.
- Applicant is willing to contribute to this conference with his/her talents/knowledge (e.g. serve as a workshop facilitator buddy, help with registration. logistics work, etc...)
- Applicant to provide evidence of intended contribution to the advancement of facilitation.
- If an applicant has received an IAF scholarship before, he/she shall be entitled to another one after one year (priority will be given to first-time applicants)
- Quantum for scholarship is for CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FEES ONLY & excludes any travel or accommodation costs. Applicant will be responsible for all expenses incurred accordingly.
- Full Name (with salutation) :
- Identity Card Number (for Malaysian Applicants) :
- Name of University:
- Mailing Address :
- Email Address :
- Telephone / Fax numbers (with country/area code) :
- If an IAF member, please provide IAF Membership Number/Year Joined :
- Describe your current facilitation work or interest in facilitation
- State your reasons for attending this Conference
- How would you share your learning from the Conference with others?
- How are you willing to share your talents and assist at the Conference?
- How are you financing the remaining costs for the Conference?
Download the Application - PDF
Please submit your completed application by 12th August 2019. The Conference Planning Team will inform you on the outcome of your application by 20th August 2019. Send your completed application to iaf.asia.2019@gmail.com
Thank you.
Conference Planning Team
22nd IAF Asia Facilitator Conference 2019
Synergizing, Strengthening, Sustaining