Mr. Martin Gilbraith

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Martin Gilbraith Associates Ltd
All, particularly with voluntary organisations, public and cross-sector partnerships, development & humanitarian agencies
Professional languages
Facilitation practice
I am an independent facilitator, trainer and consultant based in London & Barcelona.
I am an IAF Certified Professional Facilitator | Master (CPF|M), former IAF Chair and IAF England & Wales Chair. I am an ICA Certified ToP Facilitator (CTF) and a licensed provider and experienced lead trainer of ICA:UK Technology of Participation (ToP) facilitation training courses. I am past President of the Institute of Cultural Affairs International (ICAI) and former Chief Executive of ICA:UK, the participation and development charity. I am a contributing author to the Power of Facilitation #FacPower. I have been facilitating and training, specialising in ICA’s ToP facilitation methodology, since 1986.
I am particularly keen to support younger facilitators and those using facilitation in their work for peace, climate justice, gender equity or anti-racism, or otherwise toward achieving a just and sustainable world for all. I welcome requests for free facilitation coaching at