Noel Tan

CPF Master
First name
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Last name
IAF Region
IAF Chapter
Roche Diagnostics Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd
Job title
Regional Manager, People and Organisation Development
Private sector/commercial
Professional languages
English (1st language), Mandarin (2nd language)
Facilitation practice
I am an Organisation Development practitioner, adept at partnering different levels of systems in complex change settings; to effect meaningful change, fruitful collaboration and sustained performance. After 20 years in private practice, I have gone in-house with Roche Diagnostics Asia-Pacific as the Regional People and OD Lead as of Feb 2020. I am responsible for developing OD capability in APAC to meet the transformational challenges ahead and developing the regional leadership pipeline. My work in complex systems leverages participation and co-creation. I bring a strong focus on modelling both the internal transformation and personal mastery (leveraging Self) needed in order to effect the deep collaboration and agility which complex systems require (leveraging Systems) to thrive in disruption. While in independent practice, I worked with senior teams encountering complexity, organisations seeking renewal and fitness with their contexts, and multi-stakeholder eco-systems desiring greater impact in the world.

 (*Due to my in-house role, I am unable to be engaged for paid external work, but am open to non-remunerated speaking opportunities, facilitation work for non-profits and mentoring facilitators.