Pia Villför Larsson

First name
Last name
Villför Larsson
IAF Region
IAF Chapter
Facilitatorhuset Pia Larsson AB
Job title
certified facilitator Master
All sectors
Professional languages
Swedish and english
Facilitation practice
Since 1998 I have worked as facilitator and trainer full time and really passionate for meetings of various kinds ! One of my strengths is graphic faciitation where I capture what is said in a dialogue with the images in order to help participants to see what they talk about. I facilitate where ever there is a need for dialogue, a common result and new energy. I also do graphic recording and meeting coaching and I adapt the facilitation to physical, digital or hybrid environment if needed.
I am the founder of Facilitatorhuset together with Maria Eliasson and since 2003 we have trained 7000 in the art of facilitation and sold our book "Kick-start your work meeting - a handbook for facilitators" (both in swedish and english) in over 10.000 copies.