Facilitation Week




    About Facilitation Week

    This year Facilitation Week will take place during the week of 12-18 May. 

    Facilitation Week is the spark that ignites facilitation-related activities around the world to:

    • build an understanding of how facilitation can be used in varied areas of life
    • showcase the power of facilitation
    • create a sense of community amongst facilitators
    • share expertise and learn new facilitation methods and processes
    • celebrate the positive impact of facilitation around the world. 

    The invitation to celebrate Facilitation Week is open to everyone who believes in facilitation and its positive impact on the world.

    The International Association of Facilitators (IAF) is proud to be an enabler for Facilitation Week.

    How you can get involved

    Start thinking about how you and your organisation will celebrate facilitation.
    Some ideas to get you started:
    • Share your facilitation stories on social media.
    • Host some conversations on facilitation topics.
    • Reach out to organisations (schools, hospitals, housing societies, not-for-profits) in your community and offer to run a facilitated experience for them.
    • Partner with other symbiotic organisations.
    • Host an event to share your facilitation knowledge and expertise with others - visit www.facilitationweek.org for inspiration from last year's events.