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Welcome to IAF England & Wales.
Join our Meetups
IAF England & Wales hosts regular Meetups for anyone interested in facilitation, hosting meetings, or running workshops. These sessions are designed to help people build their network of fellow facilitators, support each other in our work challenges, and learn from each other. They are free to attend, you do not have to be a member of the IAF to participate in them, and are led by volunteers from within our community.
There are two key types of Meetups that we offer:
1- Monthly on-line meetups, each lasting 90 minutes (no need to stay full session) taking place on the third Friday of each month from 09:30 to 11:0 am GMT. For more information and to sign up please see our Eventbrite page.
These meet-ups allow attendees to:
- gain insight and experience from other facilitators as to any current issues you may be working on
- explore a topic of interest (detailed on each Meetup booking page)
- networking and community discussion
2- Face to face in-person meetups, open to being held by anyone in the facilitation community in local cafes and low cost venues for facilitators in different geographic aread to physically meet up together. Anyone in our community can 'put up their hand' to offer to act as the host for one of these in-person socials.
We are currently running regular in person meet-ups in Bristol, London and Sheffield. These are usually advertised on the IAF England & Wales LinkedIn Company and Group pages. If you are interested in getting involved in hosting either a one-off or a regular in-person meet up then please contact
Podcast: Facilitation Stories
Our popular and highly regarded podcast is for facilitators and those using facilitation and is created by... facilitators. Brought to you by IAF England & Wales facilitators & friends. @FacStories #IAFpodcast #IAFEW. If you are interested in featuring on our podcast please contact the volunteer podcast team here. Current and previous podcast episodes can be found here.
Annual In-Person Conference
Our popular annual in-person conference currently takes place in the Spring and for the past 3 years has been held in Birmingham. Co-created by our volunteer conference team and looking across different themes of interest to our community, it is open to anyone with an interest in facilitation. You can find out more about the conference tracks, timings and pricing and get tickets on our Eventbrite page.
Further Information | Get Involved
Contact one of our elected Board members around the country:
- Paul Brand, Manchester - Chair
- Jane Clift, Sheffield - Chair Emeritus
- Cat Duncan-Rees, Stockport - Treasurer
- Penny Pullan, Loughborough - Board member - EDI
- Sian Madden Board Member - Membership Engagement
The board works with a wider Leadership Team of members and friends, who support our activities and together, plan for the future.
IAF Membership is a requirement for serving on the board.
Join our Leadership Team!
The Leadership team is open to any IAF England and Wales members and friends who are willing to contribute their time.
We need support to organise and host our online and in person meet-ups, develop our annual conference, host and produce the podcast, develop and maintain our social media presence, support our membership engagement, develop our annual and long term strategy and create and implement our annual plan.
Other Ways to Connect
LinkedIn Group Page: IAF Facilitators and Friends
LinkedIn Company Page: IAF England and Wales
Facebook: IAF England and Wales Facilitators and Friends