International Facilitation Week 2020
"Immunity to Change" (A Zoominar)
October 24 - 10 AM Malaysia
Faclilitator: Franklin Morais
IAF Malaysia Exco
Learn the Dynamics of Change - Why we do & Why we don't
Registration: Online
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining
the meeting.
January 2020
IAF Board of Directors met in Malaysia for their Board Meeting, in the beautiful background and ambience of Saujana Hotel in Petaling Jaya.
It was also an opportunity for the Global Board to touch base with the Malaysia EXCO, both outgoing, and incoming. It was a fantastic opportunity for the Malaysian EXCO to know "who's who" in the Global Board, and thereby increase communication and better team-work.
(by Franklin Morais, EXCO Malaysian chapter)
Picture Gallery
- IAF Malaysia Chapter April 18, 2020 Learn. Greet. Meet over Zoom
- Participants at the IAF Core Competencies and Practice Workshop (28 Feb 2019)
- Passing Over from outgoing Chapter Lead, Patricia Nunis to incoming Chapter Lead, Amy Wan Ratos
- A light moment while planning with Vinay Kumar (24 June 2019)
- Passing over documentation from outgoing committee to 2020-2021 Committee
- IAF Malaysia 2019 Annual General Meeting, Out-going & In-coming Executive Committee Members
- IAF Malaysia Executive Committee Members, 2020-2021
- Malaysia Conference Planning team - work is fun!