Gillian Martin Mehers

First name
Last name
Martin Mehers
IAF Chapter
Bright Green Learning @ Atadore SARL
Job title
CEO, Head of Learning
All sectors and multi-stakeholder events and processes
Professional languages
English and French/English mixed
Facilitation practice
I founded a social enterprise called Bright Green Learning which works with the sustainability, development and humanitarian communities in their multi-stakeholder dialogue, partnership building and internal/external learning processes. I do process design and process facilitation, with the goal to optimize results and learning. I use a wide variety of facilitation and learning techniques and approaches depending on the needs, and particularly like systems thinking, gaming, appreciative inquiry, visualization, LEGO Serious Play and others. I often create new tools and techniques and write about them in a blog - You Learn Something New Every Day ( We also have the Bright Green Learning Academy for facilitation training: with an annual course offering and extensive courses for in-house delivery.