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Una McAlinden

Many of us spend hours creating charts and graphics for our sessions. For some, this comes easy but it's not a strength we all have! The posters resource was created because I struggled to create crisp professional-looking charts for my events - often spending countless hours drafting with pencil, then using marker etc only to make a mistake and have to begin again!

Una McAlinden

Exclusively Available to ToP Trainers & Apprentice Trainers:

This bundle provides certified ToP trainers and apprentice trainers with hand-drawn posters to support their delivery of ToP Facilitation Methods (also known as Group Facilitation Methods (UK & Canada)). They can be printed at 24x36" size on blueprint paper and are ready to color or laminated providing a sustainable resource for future trainings.

Image of book cover Empowering Professional Facilitators

This book explores the game-changing impact of digital collaboration tools on professional facilitation. It begins by defining digital collaboration and its relevance in modern work environments. Challenges and best practices are uncovered, empowering facilitators to navigate the digital  landscape effectively.

Readers are briefly introduced to diverse software solutions for collaboration, including Microsoft 365, Miro, Airtable, Slack, and Asana. A spotlight on Howspace highlights its role in facilitating dialogue and co-creation.
