Chapters around the world
The IAF is a global association that operates in six regions. Within each region, there may be one or more IAF chapters. In addition, IAF special interest groups focus on specific topics of interest for facilitators across regions.

IAF regions
Each region has a regional director who provides leadership and coordinates activities. You can learn more about each region below.
IAF special interest groups
Special interest groups (SIGs) enable like-minded facilitators to network, create and share knowledge around a specific facilitation-related interest area. IAF hosts these communities to foster the creation of strong global networks.
SIGs are in essence of global nature, using the support of virtual communication technologies, whereas chapters are tied to a geographical area. All communities within IAF are bound to the IAF Code of Ethics and Values and support the IAF Core Competencies, which offers them a solid ground for development.
- Facilitateurs Francophones
- Facilitadores Hispanohablantes
- Facilitação em Português
- Future of Foresight Facilitation
- Social Inclusion Facilitators
- Visual Facilitation
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Global Book Club
IAF chapters
IAF chapters are national or local groups of IAF members who meet and collaborate to pursue the Association's mission at a more local level. Chapters also respond to the expressed desire of our members for more frequent and local opportunities for professional and personal development.
IAF chapters are created by a request to the IAF Board following a recommendation by the regional director. The steps to creating an IAF Chapter are straightforward and designed to provide an understanding of the IAF's governance and to ensure proper accountability. In the event that this may not be the case, the IAF Board retains the right to dissolve a chapter.
For more information about the creation of a chapter, please contact your regional director.